Nina Bossi

Nina Bossi

Nina Bossi

Senior MPA

Nina Bossi, born 27 December 1998, gained her first insights into the healthcare sector during an internship in the nursing field in 2015 – 2016. She then completed her training as a medical practice assistant at the Juventus School in Zurich from August 2016 to July 2019. She worked in general medicine for the first few years after graduating. She has been working for etzelclinic since September 2020, starting as an MPA. In May 2024, she began further training at the Juventus-Woodtli School in Zurich to become a medical practice coordinator (practice management direction). Since June 2024, she has been leading a team of 16 employees as a senior medical practice assistant and is responsible for all aspects of day-to-day business at the etzelclinic.

Dr. med. Jan Leuzinger
Dr. med. Jan Leuzinger
Dr. med. Christoph Sternberg
Dr. med. Christoph Sternberg
Dr. med. Michèle Dutly-Guinand
Dr. med. Michèle Dutly-Guinand
Dr. med. Alex Pellegrino
Dr. med. Alex Pellegrino
Prof. Dr. med. Clément Werner
Prof. Dr. med. Clément Werner
Dr. med. Tobias Schwab
Dr. med. Tobias Schwab
Dr. med. Helena Milavec
Dr. med. Helena Milavec
Dr. med. David P. Buchmann
Dr. med. David P. Buchmann
Dr. med. Donato Papillo
Dr. med. Donato Papillo
Katrin Theiler
Katrin Theiler
Katrin Schönenberger
Katrin Schönenberger
Jennifer Sathianathan
Jennifer Sathianathan
Sarina Dal Ben
Sarina Dal Ben
Monika Basler
Monika Basler
Isabelle Franzé
Isabelle Franzé
Jana Oberholzer
Jana Oberholzer
Corinne Roos
Corinne Roos
Marisa Schuler
Marisa Schuler
Vanessa Steinmann
Vanessa Steinmann
Esther Zambelli
Esther Zambelli
Sarah Nigro
Sarah Nigro
Michelle Signer
Michelle Signer
Carmela Weller
Carmela Weller
Anita Carrard
Anita Carrard
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